Mimic SoundJam 1.2
by HenuSoft
(HenuSoft Website)

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Author's Website

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File Size: 30K
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SoundJam MP

Last Updated: 1999-11-17
For more detail about software : Software Description

Software Description

To use the Mimic Plug-In drop it into the Visual Plug-Ins folder inside the SoundJam MP Plug-Ins folder.

While Mimic is active, you can:

  1. Hold the Command key and click your mouse in the Plug-In area to see the little Settings window and in there you can:
    • Toggles Mimic's graphic display between three modes: waves, dots or lines
    • Changes between spectrum and waveform modes
    • Toggles the waves between horizontal or vertical
    • Change fade appearance, turns the fade off or use gradients
    • Change the foreground/gradients colors
  2. Hold the Option key and click your mouse in the Plug-In area to see the little Channel settings window and in there can you change the left / right channels.

    The checkbox with the green check mark, in the lower right-hand corner, is the Okay button, while the one with the red X is the Cancel button. Click either one after you have finished making changes.

  3. Press this keys on the keyboard to:
    Esc = Closes the Settings or the Channel settings window without saving the settings.
    1 = Toggles Mimic's graphic display between three modes: waves, dots or lines
    2 = Changes between spectrum and waveform modes
    3 = Toggles the waves between horizontal or vertical
    4 = Change fade appearance, turns the fade off or use gradients
    5 = Change the foreground/gradients colors between Default and Custom (that you have choosen)
    6 = Turns the falling on or off
    7 = Change motionblur appearence or turns the motionblur off
    Return = Closes the Settings or the Channel settings window and saves the settings

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

Write a comment about Mimic 1.2 - PLEASE

Hi everyone!!

I want to know if you like Mimic 1.2 or not, if you missing any feature, if you found any bug or anything else about the plug then write a comment here about that - PLEASE!!!

A lot of Thanks!!!!!!!!


Re: Write a comment about Mimic 1.2 - PLEASE

Hi, can I contact you by ICQ ? Spasibo.

Re: Write a comment about Mimic 1.2 - PLEASE

Hi, can I contact you by ICQ ? Spasibo.

Mimic 1.2 coming next week


Finally I hope to release Mimic 1.2, for SoundJam, sometimes next week and at the same time I'll update my little site, so watch my site <http://www.he.nu/> next week for the update.

I have recoded Mimic totaly from the begining (it took a while), it will have much faster graphic drawing, gradients, motionblur, faster fadeing, better fullscreen mode and little other fun stuff. I really hope you will like it! =)

Is there a feature you are missing in the plug-in or anything else? Then just drop an email to me <henu@he.nu> about it.

Many thanks!!

/Henry 'Henu' Kuronen
The author and the maker of the plug-in Mimic for SoundJam and MACAST.
URL: http://www.he.nu/
E-mail: henu@he.nu

PowerCurve for Macast/SoundJam

Is there anyone who wants me to make PowerCurve for Macast and/or SoundJam??
I really want to know!! =)


// [Henu]

Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

I have plans to port over 'Mimic' for WinAMP and maybe even to MacAMP 1.0b7, what do you think about that? Good/bad/stupid idea? Send comments here or send email to me about it. - PLEASE -


Re: Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

: I have plans to port over 'Mimic' for WinAMP and maybe even to MacAMP 1.0b7, what do you think about that? Good/bad/stupid idea? Send comments here or send email to me about it. - PLEASE -

: Thanks!
: [Henu]
Awsome email me more info !!!!!!!!

Re: Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

: I have plans to port over 'Mimic' for WinAMP and maybe even to MacAMP 1.0b7, what do you think about that? Good/bad/stupid idea? Send comments here or send email to me about it. - PLEASE -

: Thanks!
: [Henu]

I use MacAmp 1.0b7 regularly on my PowerMac 7100/80. I recently downloaded Macast 1.0 and found the playback to be extremely choppy even with the equalizers off. I think it would be a great idea to port Mimic to 1.0b7, for us older PowerMac users.

-- MacWeb

Re: Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

I need a Macamp for my 5300 help please!!!
MacOS 8.0!!!

Re: Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

: : I have plans to port over 'Mimic' for WinAMP and maybe even to MacAMP 1.0b7, what do you think about that? Good/bad/stupid idea? Send comments here or send email to me about it. - PLEASE -

: : Thanks!
: : [Henu]

: I use MacAmp 1.0b7 regularly on my PowerMac 7100/80. I recently downloaded Macast 1.0 and found the playback to be extremely choppy even with the equalizers off. I think it would be a great idea to port Mimic to 1.0b7, for us older PowerMac users.

: -- MacWeb

Re: Mimic for WinAMP / MacAMP 1.0b7??

Well, I think I will do that, but right now I don't know when, I have so much to do now, but I really hope to get some time soon to port over it! =)


good work

Jees ai rili laijk Mimic...vaikka mä oon niin skevi etten tajuu..noh....Mitään? men din engelska äre då inge fel på!!!
Grattis o lycka till i forts..


Re: good work

Thanks (english)!!!! =))
Kiitos (finnish)!!!! =))
Tackar (swedish)!!!! =))

hehe...kiitokseksi saat suukon...*LOL* =)

Do you like Mimic?


I am the maker/author of 'Mimic' and I want to know if you like it or not, if you what me to make more plug-ins, if you find a bug, if you have a request, if you have a idea to a new feature i should include in the plug-in or whatever. Just add a comment here, please!

// [Henu]

Re: Do you like Mimic?

Mimic is really cool, though I would prefer an option to use 1.0s settings method. Otherwise I really enjoy your funky lil' plug-in, keep up the good work.

Re: Do you like Mimic?

Thanx for your comment!

Okey, perhaps in the next update I include so you can choose that settings method.
Someone else who wants that option or any else feature I should include???? Then -PLEASE-post a little comment here so I know that!!!

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