Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer 1.1
by Virtins Technology
(Virtins Technology Website)

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System Requirements:

PC or Laptop with 8 or 16 bit Windows compatible sound card, Microsoft Windows 95 or greater, Window NT or greater.

Last Updated: 2005-02-28
For more detail about software : Software Description

Software Description

1. Frequency Range: up to 48 KHz (depending on Sound Card)

2. Bandwidth: 20 Hz - 48 kHz (depending on Sound Card)

3. Input level: about 1 VAC (depending on Sound Card)

4. Selectable sampling frequency (up to 96 kHz), sampling bit resolution (8 or 16 bits) and sampling channels (one or two) (all depending on Sound Card)

5. Three triggering modes: no trigger, repeated trigger and single trigger.

6. Support triggering by leading edge or trailing edge at specified triggering level and on selected input channel

7. Support pre-triggering and post triggering from 0 to 100% of the selected sampling length

8. Continuous monitoring on the input signal such that no trigger event will be missed before the data collection.

9. Can be used as a transient signal recorder to capture and store data for up to 500s.

10. Four view types: Real time amplitude spectrum display (relative display mode and absolute display mode (RMS mode)), Real time phase spectrum display, Real time auto correlation display, Real time cross correlation display.

11. Independent X axis and Y axis zooming and scrolling

12. Support independent linear or logarithmic scale for x axis and y axis.

13. WAV file can be imported for display and analysis

14. Collected measurement data can be saved as WAV file or exported as TXT file.

15. Data curve can be printed out directly or saved as BMP file.

16. Support calibration of the input channels

17. Support adding notes to the measurement data

18.Features fast display refresh rate: about 15 frames per second (tested using Windows 98 on Pentium II PC with scan time=10 ms and both Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer running under "no trigger" mode). Thus Data are displayed and analyzed in "true" real time.

19. The colours of the display are configurable.

20. Number of points to be collected per scan can be fine tuned.

21. FFT size can be adjusted from 128 to 32768 points

22. Allows sampling length to be different from FFT size. If the FFT size is greater than the sampling length, then zero will be added at the end of the actual measurement data during FFT computation. If the FFT size is less than the sampling length, then the measurement data will be split into different segments with the size of each segment equal to the FFT size. The final result will be obtained by averaging the FFT results from all segments.

23. Support windowing functions: Rectangle, Triangle, Hanning, Hamming and Blackman.

24. Displays the frequency and cross correlation peak location.

25. Support two point readers (cursor readers) on each view.

New in this version:

  • Fixed the negative phase difference problem in Signal Generator.
  • Added "Invert input signal before performing any processing" check box in the display Setting dialog.
  • Added Window "Tile Vertically" option in addition to the Window "Tile Horizontally" option.
  • Added x50, x100, x200, x500, x1000 options for the horizontal zooming factor for spectrum analyzer.
  • Added x500, x1000 options for the horizontal zooming factor for Oscilloscope.
  • Added support for 192kHz sampling rate.
  • Improved on the input validation in Signal Generator.
  • Fixed the incompatibility problem of running Signal Generator under Windows 98 and 95.
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