sfArk SoundFont Compression
by melodymachine.com
(melodymachine.com Website)

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File Size: 509K
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Free and unrestricted for non-commercial use. Commercial users should contact sales@melodymachine.com

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Last Updated: 2001-11-21
For more detail about software : Software Description
  View sfArk SoundFont Compression Screenshot

Software Description

sfArk compresses SoundFont files for the purpose of saving disk space and transmission time when sent via email or other form of file transfer such as downloading from a web site. The compression is lossless - the audio quality of the SoundFont is preserved.  This is different to the compression used in formats such as MP3 or Real Audio which provide much higher compression ratios but sound quality is lost. sfArk compressed files are generally between 35% and 65% of the original file size, depending on the nature of the SoundFont file.  The compression is invariably much better than can be achieved by conventional compression tools such as WinZip on the same material because sfArk's compression is optimized for handling the digital audio data present in SoundFont files.

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hi i m fareeed khatri im cast perinting www.fareedkhatri.com

Re: perinting

: hi i m fareeed khatri im cast perinting www.fareedkhatri.com im cast perinting $ garment

Re: perinting

: hi i m fareeed khatri im cast perinting www.fareedkhatri.com jus
i like taym

This crashed XP!

I installed and ran this, and it caused a Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP SP2. (I tried Windows 98 compatibility mode---same result.) You've been warned!

Re: This crashed XP!

Yes Me too bLUE screen

Re: This crashed XP!

: Yes Me too bLUE screen

Same Here!


WHen do you use the new sfark or when do you use the old. Is there a way to read this in the file. I noticed on one (sfarkxtc.zip) it says you can only use this on 2.0 or higher.

Can somebody explain this...thanks


WHen do you use the new sfark or when do you use the old. Is there a way to read this in the file. I noticed on one (sfarkxtc.zip) it says you can only use this on 2.0 or higher.

Can somebody explain this...thanks

Re: sfark

: WHen do you use the new sfark or when do you use the old. Is there a way to read this in the file. I noticed on one (sfarkxtc.zip) it says you can only use this on 2.0 or higher.

: Can somebody explain this...thanks

sfArk Version 2 will uncompress all current .sfArk files. sfArk Version 1 will not compress files created using version 2 (it figures :) sfArkXTc is a new utility that only works with files created with sfArk V2. Many files on the net are still in V1 format. So, use sfArk Version 2 to decompress them. P.S. sfArk V2.15 is now released with built-in support for creating self-extracting files (sfArkXTc) and other enhancements and fixes. And yeah, finally it has a setup program :)

I've put the download link for the current (v2.15) program here


non riesco a scaricare sfArk setup, come mai? uso getrigth

daArk beats WaveZip

Just to let people know that daArk will beat WaveZip by far on both compression ratio AND speed! daArk is from the same author as sfArk. The new (version 2) version of sfArk has the same compression engine as daArk, and will be free for non-commercial use, just like V1. More info at melodymachine.com


merci pour ce superbe logiciel

need sfark

I am curious about sfark..

Re: need sfark

: Hi!
: i am masturbating with oatmeal and dried tomatoes. wanna joind me?

Re: need sfark

: : Hi!
: : i am masturbating with oatmeal and dried tomatoes. wanna joind me?

Mmm can I, sounds like such a lovely recipe. About SFARK though, I can't get the Download to complete, It sucks

wave file compression

Sounds great

Re: wave file compression

: Sounds great

Re: wave file compression

: Sounds great, hears great

Re: wave file compression

Is there a way of compressing wavs so that they will still play as an audio cd

Re: wave file compression

Program to convert PCM wav to GSM

Re: wave file compression

: Program to convert PCM wav to GSM

Re: wave file compression

: : Program to convert PCM wav to GSM

Re: wave file compression

: : Program to convert PCM wav to GSM
Dear sir/Madam,
I need your guidance to convert PCM Wav to GSM wav
Do u already have programs
Kindly help me
Thankx in advance
Vijay Anand

Re: wave file compression

: : : Program to convert PCM wav to GSM
: Dear sir/Madam,
: I need your guidance to convert PCM Wav to GSM wav
: Do u already have programs
: Kindly help me
: Thankx in advance
: Vijay Anand

wave file compression

: : Program to convert PCM wav to GSM

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