Simple PC Speaker Driver For Windows NT

Posted by John on Mon, 07/05/99 - 00:59:13.

I've been using a simple driver known as MIDEXT kindly provided by Henrik Norbeck, the author of ABCMUS. It worked just fine on Win 3.1, but I can't get NT to recognise it as a valid driver file. Any clues please as to how to massage NT to be more responsive OR does anyone know of an alternative driver please. As you may have guessed I'm not in a position to modify the hardware in the NT PC.


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Re: Simple PC Speaker Driver For Windows NT

You need a new driver, NT is a whole diffrent kernel.

Re: Simple PC Speaker Driver For Windows NT

send for me please.
: I've been using a simple driver known as MIDEXT kindly provided by Henrik Norbeck, the author of ABCMUS. It worked just fine on Win 3.1, but I can't get NT to recognise it as a valid driver file. Any clues please as to how to massage NT to be more responsive OR does anyone know of an alternative driver please. As you may have guessed I'm not in a position to modify the hardware in the NT PC.

: Regards
: John

Re: Simple PC Speaker Driver For Windows NT

hello,i have already download mp3 music so i want to hear it but my computer sound has missing but i can still hear a small volume but how to make the volume big AND BIGGEST .THANK YOU.I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND