Which program can convert a 8Khz .wav to .mp3?

Posted by gspy on Sun, 05/14/00 - 19:23:46.

Which program can convert a 8Khz .wav to .mp3?
I'm aking this because many encoders do not support such low sample rates (8000)

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Re: Which program can convert a 8Khz .wav to .mp3?

Why not use audio editor to convert to a higher rate?

Check out the shareware/freeware section and go to it.

Try Goldwave: free and fully functional (F3)

Re: Which program can convert a 8Khz .wav to .mp3?

: Why not use audio editor to convert to a higher rate?

: Check out the shareware/freeware section and go to it.

: Try Goldwave: free and fully functional (F3)

I prefer to use <a href="http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/Cool_Edit_2k/">Cool Edit 2000</a> which is also basically
fully functional in the free download version.


Re: Which program can convert a 8Khz .wav to .mp3?

Hi all,

You'll find Goldwave at <a href="http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/GoldWave/">http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/GoldWave/</a>.


: Why not use audio editor to convert to a higher rate?

: Check out the shareware/freeware section and go to it.

: Try Goldwave: free and fully functional (F3)