cassette to mp3 converson

Posted by Scott on Sun, 09/17/00 - 05:16:03.

can someone out there in radioland please tell me how to convert my cassette tapes into mp3 files? thanks...

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Re: cassette to mp3 converson

Hi Scott,

You can do this in a number of different ways, but the basic procedure is this:

1) connect the output(s) from your cassette deck to the line input of your sound card.
2) using a digital audio editing program (such as Sound Forge, Cool Edit or WaveLab), record the audio from the cassette on your computer hard drive.
3) After the recording is finished, first save the file as a WAV file for safe keeping of the original data.
4) Then save the file again as an MP3 file. Most digital audio editing software provide MP3 encoding, although with some (like Sound Forge) it's an extra option.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of the Cakewalk Power! and Sound Forge Power! books, and Publisher of the DigiFreq music technology newsletter. Learn about cool tips and techniques for your music software by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... surf to: