Software Music Machine Archive |
MOD Trackers - Players, Shareware
MOD Trackers - Players - Here you will find a collection of MOD Tracking and Playing software for users software known as 'trackers'. 'Trackers' are generally sample sequencers, some of which also feature synthesizers and basic audio effects. | |
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Software | Description | OS | License | File Date | Comments | Power |
Bluejay MPEG Suite 1.12 | Media Player & Disc Jockey, Wave & MP3 Editor, Equalizer, Digital FX, CD Recording, Mod Tracker, Midi Sequencer, Mixer, Wave & Spectrum Analyzer, Auto-queue creation, Professional DJ controls, support for portable media players+ | Windows | Shareware | 2011-02-15 | 0 | 50db |
MED Soundstudio v2.1 | Amiga Music Editor/Tracker. | Windows | Shareware | 2010-08-19 | 131 | 65db |
NiceTracker v2.07.01 | Tracker that was created specialy for songs with vocal and use of external sample editor. | Windows | Shareware | 2005-11-10 | 28 | 50db |
Running | Running music program (.xm) | Windows | Shareware | 1997-09-15 | 6 | 45db |
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