Impro-Visor v4.11
by Bob Keller
(Bob Keller Website)

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License Conditions:

GNU General Public License (GPL)

System Requirements:

Java 1.5 or higher.

Last Updated: 2010-04-20
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Software Description

Impro-Visor is a music notation program designed to help jazz musicians compose and hear solos similar to ones that might be improvised. The objective is to improve understanding of solo construction and tune chord changes. It has also been used for transcription. Because rhythm-section (e.g. piano, bass, drums) accompaniment is automatically generated from chords, Impro-Visor can be used as a play-along device. Now having a wider array of accompaniment styles, its use is not limited to jazz. Distributed with Impro-Visor is "The Imaginary Book", a chords-only fakebook with chord progressions to about 2500 tunes.

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I want to learn violin.

At the moment I have a book with a CD provided, which I play along to. I am looking for something similar for other music I may find.

Does your software provide a backing / accompaniment to my playing? I am assuming inputting chord progressions and melody line from a fakesheet.


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