Spectral 1.0
by DTG-Android
(DTG-Android Website)

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Operating System:
File Size: 104K
License Conditions:

Free Android Application

System Requirements:

Android 1.5 or later

Last Updated: 2011-09-12
For more detail about software : Software Description
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Software Description

Spectral is a free Android application that gives users the ability to map between sounds and images.

With Spectral, all the user needs to do is to take pictures, use Spectral to turn the images into spectrograms and ofcourse listen to the resulting sound. You can now have fun finding out what the images of you and your friends "sound" like, and musicians can even record and use these spectograms as samples for recording. Imagine telling your friend: "I just used the sound of your face on my latest song"...

Spectral has built in image manipulation tools and effects, so users can try applying these on their images and see how the resulting audio changes. It also is very efficient and makes sure that users only save what they want to save, cleaning up everything else. If you want to have fun with experimental audio, then Spectral might just be for you.

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