by Opusmodus Limited
(Opusmodus Limited Website)
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File Size: 102 MB
Price: GBP 299
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Last Updated: 2015-03-02
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Software Description

Opusmodus is the next step in Computer Assisted Composing. More than ever there is an awareness amongst composers that their music can benefit from computer tools that not only assist in the production of digital sonic media and the notated score, but offer new directions in creative thinking. In the wealth of its features Opusmodus comes alongside MIDI Sequencing and Scorewriting as a ‘third way’. It makes for a comprehensive digital environment meeting the needs of today’s composer able to take music in new directions and contribute to unique outcomes.

Opusmodus has an integrated collection of generative tools, visualization screens and graphic displays. It reflects the current algorithm-led Parametric and Evolutionary approaches to creativity now favoured by cutting-edge designers and architects. The software is both customizable and extendible: it can become a composer’s digital assistant able to contain and reflect individual modes of creating, making and producing.

At its heart is the OMN music language. This translates traditional musical symbols into a form that allows for remarkable flights of computer generation and processing. OMN is interpreted by a special notation display able to render instantly all levels of detail in traditional staff notation. This makes possible a swift interaction between the imaginative ‘what if I do this?’ and ‘there is the result I can see and hear’.

Opusmodus scripting presents an exciting challenge to composers. This is supported by an integrated 30-stage tutorial sequence. Alongside How To Examples and support material, there is an extensive library of ‘real world’ scores, including both media and concert music composed with Opusmodus often to commission,

Composing with Opusmodus means working closely with its vocabulary: there are over 500 System Functions. These are the ‘doing’ words that enable a composer to edit, extend, develop and transform creative ideas expressed in any or all of music’s event parameters: pitch, note length, duration, harmony, structure, dynamics and articulation. Every one of these functions has a its own comprehensive documentation, with working and contextual examples.

Opusmodus communicates fluently with MIDI and MusicXML systems and can include within its powerful workspace any number of file formats from PDF to image files. This means that data other than music can easily become a vital starting point at the beginning of the composition process.

It’s good to remember that Opusmodus has been designed by a team of composers and software specialists coming from different backgrounds and experience with music. Commercial and media interests have sat side by side at the design table with those from the concert, ambient and electronic music worlds. This is a truly inclusive software development for creating music. The next step is yours to take, ours to support.

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