isolate bass line

Posted by jeremy upton on Tue, 11/13/01 - 14:05:23.

does anyone know of any software which will isolate the bass line of a piece of music to make it easier to learn and tab?

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Re: isolate bass line

It's impossible to isolate any particular instrument from
a piece of music, but for this you could try something like
Cool Edit. If you set the filters to remove anything above a
certain frequency, you should be left with the bass (similar to
disconnecting the tweeter on your hi-fi speaker so that you
only hear the bass).


Re: isolate bass line

: It's impossible to isolate any particular instrument from
: a piece of music, but for this you could try something like
: Cool Edit. If you set the filters to remove anything above a
: certain frequency, you should be left with the bass (similar to
: disconnecting the tweeter on your hi-fi speaker so that you
: only hear the bass).

: Andy
There is one piece of hardware that may help to accomplish this. It is available from PAIA electronics, a company that produces electronic kits for musicians. The kit is called VOCAL ZAPPER. What this device does is eliminate the center of the stereo field (which is mainly the vocal part), leaving the accompaniment and (unfortunately) the reverb or whatever effects were used on the vocals. The kit costs $35. If you tweak your stereo balance and push up the bass and cut down on the treble most often what remains is the bass and the vocal effects. I know this sounds wierd but it works pretty well. The kit is simple to build and test. I hope this has been helpful even though this is NOT a software solution. Ned