who's the original singer?

Posted by mikail legazpi on Wed, 10/08/03 - 22:51:18.

Can anyone please tell me who's the original singer of the song revived by Airsupply about 3 years ago which has the chorus: "I can't live...if living is without you..."? I knew it was a popular song in the early 70's but sad to tell, I did not know its title either.

Can anyone bother to send me the title and the singer of that song please? I'll appreciate it much. Thanks.


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Re: who's the original singer?

The title is "Without You".

The song was written by William Peter Ham and Tom Evans (of Badfinger).

The popular recording in the 70's was by Harry Nilsson.


Re: who's the original singer?

: The title is "Without You".

: The song was written by William Peter Ham and Tom Evans (of Badfinger).

: The popular recording in the 70's was by Harry Nilsson.

: Highball

and singed by mariah carry in 1993

Re: who's the original singer?

: : The title is "All my life"

: : The song is sang by K-Ci and JoJo today in 2003